It is a safe, simple method of spiritual healing, used mainly through touch, utilizing the universal life force.
Uses include illness, injury, animals, plants, house cleansing, etc…the possibilities are endless.
Reiki is not an religion, but works well with all positive intent, not dependent on belief, it works whether you believe or not.
Reiki increases the beneficial effects of all modern medical treatments as well as increasing beneficial effects in all other areas of life, and will never harm.
Reiki is not taught, but is passed to the student through an "attunement" given by a Reiki master.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Healing Requests
It's a page on Facebook a friend of ours started :D
Monday, December 19, 2011
Thanks to all
Looking forward to a new year filled with Reiki :D
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Reiki II workshop changes location
The GLBTQ center has suffered some water damage. We will not be able to use the center for this workshop.
However Ellen owner of Pi Pilates has agreed to let us use her place :D This is on one day’s notice, no one knew how long it would take to fix the center, we had been hopeful it would work out.
Reiki II $20.00 this workshop only
Pi offers not only workshops and Pilates, they have a great selection of gifts, from earrings ( my designs among them lol ) to gift certificates :D
Reiki II Workshop
Sunday December 18th at 12:30 pm
Prerequisite of Reiki I
575 386-0429
Pi Pilates Studio & Health Shop
2521 Avenida De Mesilla - in the Cabalero Plaza of Old Mesilla (Rt 28), Mesilla, NM
Please keep in mind that this is the new location of Pi in old Mesilla
up coming workshops
Reiki I
Jan. 14th at 2:30 pm
Reiki II
Feb. 11th at 2:30 pm
Friday, December 2, 2011
up coming workshops
Saturday December 10th at 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Workshop fee: $29.00
Space is limited pre-registration is a must to guarantee your spot for this workshop, please call or email
Pi Pilates Studio & Health Shop at
575-526-0977 or email
2521 Avenida De Mesilla - in the Cabalero Plaza of Old Mesilla (Rt 28),
Mesilla, NM
We will also be working out of New Mexico GLBTQ Centers
Reiki I Workshop
Sunday December 4th at 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Reiki II Workshop
Sunday December 18th at 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Prerequisite of Reiki I
Advanced and Masters Reiki Workshop
Sunday January 8th at 12:30 pm
Prerequisite of Reiki I and Reiki II
Space is limited, pre-registration is a must to guarantee your spot as well as guaranteeing we have enough worksheets for all ;) , please call or comment on this post
575 386-0429
New Mexico GLBTQ Centers
1210 N. Main St.
Las Cruces, NM 88001
* We are offering a Seasonal special to all associated with the GLBTQ centers of New Mexico
Reiki I $15.00
Reiki II $ 20.00
Advanced and Masters Reiki $45.00
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
October Reiki workshops updated on 10-11-11
Learn how to
Ease stress and promote healing
Byosen scanning
Level I certification
Receive the first Reiki symbol
10-22-11 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
$29.00 workshop fee
Reiki II Workshop
In the workshop you will
Receive Level II attunement
Receive level II symbols
Learn Distance Healing
Receive Level II certification
11-5-11 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm ( date has changed as of 10-11-11 )
$39.00 workshop fee Prerequisite of Reiki I
both workshops will be at
Pi Pilates Studio & Health Shop
2521 Avenida De Mesilla
in the Cabalero Plaza of Old Mesilla (Rt 28)
Mesilla, NM
seats are limited call Pi Pilates to guarantee your place 575-526-0977 or email them at
Monday, September 26, 2011
Reiki II Workshop Discover the Art of Distance Healing
Distant Healing Workshop at Pi* Pilates Studio & Health Shop.
2521 Avenida De Mesilla - in the Cabalero Plaza of Old Mesilla (Rt 28)
Mesilla, NM
In the workshop you will receive:
- level II attunement
- level II symbols
- level II certification
You will learn :
- Distance Healing techniques
- How to use Reiki II symbols
$39 workshop fee
Prerequisite Reiki I
seats are limited call Pi Pilates to guarantee your place
or email them at
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Reiki I workshop
cost of workshop $29.00!/pages/The-Reiki-Shack/165195893514330#!/pages/PiYoga-Pilates-Studio-Health-Boutique/98616355786
Learn how to
Ease stress and promote healing
Cleanse negative energies from people and places
Byosen scanning
Self treatments
Treatments for people and pets
Hand placements
Level I certification
Receive the first Reiki symbol
seats are limited call Pi Pilates to guarantee your place
or email them at
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Ellen you ROCK :D
Plans on the way for the next......
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Come join us this weekend
Help loved ones reduce stress and pain by giving them healing energies, including pets and plants. Send to anywhere or anyone. Remove negative energies.
Anyone can do Reiki, all you need is to be attuned to the Reiki energies, no healing experience or certain beliefs are needed.
Attunements are a simple process, taking only a few minutes. They can be a very moving, life changing experience.
After receiving your Reiki I attunement you will be able to use the energies to heal yourself and others, after the second your Reiki energies become stronger and more focused. You will be able to send these energies to others over a distance.
Workshop is Saturday August 13th from 2:30 - 5:30. The workshop fee is $65. pre-registration or $75. walk-in. Call 575-526-0977 for more information.
Pi's Pilates & Unique Boutique
2521 RT 28 in the Caballero Plaza of Old Mesilla
Mesilla, New Mexico
Thursday, August 4, 2011
What can Reiki do for you
What kind of healing you will get is an individual one. What one person receives is not going to be what the next gets. We are all at different places in our lives with different needs. Reiki will help with what you need.
How strong your Reiki energies are after receiving an attunement is also up to the individual.
The more you use Reiki the easier and stronger it becomes, like most things in life.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
last straw
Monday was a hard day for us. We lost our dog of many years, she is a very loved doggie and will be missed.
We had an appointment for Reiki later in day. Thinking it would help get our minds off of things for a bit we all agreed it would be best to go forward with the appointment.
Not that we had a real choice, I had no way of getting in contact with this person.
A few months ago we gave some gift certificates to a center here in town to help them raise some funds, they do good work and we really wanted to help out. At the time believing our phone issues would be worked out by the time the certificates went out I put our phone number on them.
Well our phone service is worse than ever, I have to go down our driveway to get a line out. Even when in town it cuts up to the point of not being able to hear what is said.
I get this call while we are at the dentist's office in the parking lot. Due to the construction going on plus my hearing loss coupled with this messed up phone service, I could not hear her. She seemed to be getting a little upset. Not that this person was being rude in anyway, she was just getting a bit tired of my asking what she said.
Thinking I could pull up the number from my phone later if there were any issues I just set up an appointment, didn't get any details.
So Monday comes around and we wait and wait....we took turns for a hour waiting outside by the end of the driveway in case she called. Not fun in triple digit temps lol
We feel really bad about this, she was trying to help the center as we were....
I go to pull up her number, I don't have record of the call.
This was the last straw, I don't care how great the service was, the company who took the old service over is not even coming close to living up to them.
We will no longer be with them. I've put this off for months now, I had hoped that it would get back to what it had been after they got done switching out. And I got to say I hate shopping for anything ( okay yarn and beads not included ) the thought of setting up a new phone again........not looking forward to this......
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Reiki I and II workshop
Aug. 13th
details to come......
Sunday, July 10, 2011
More Reiki masters out there
We would like to thank all of the wonderful people who took part in this workshop, you made it Great :D
We got our manuals done in time.... cut it kind of close, finished printing the night before lol
it's nice not having to rely on someone else shipping copies of theirs, not to mention that ours is tailored to our style :D the best thing is no added cost to "pass" on :D
It was really good doing the workshop out of the new location of Pi Yoga, the whole place looks and feels great. We had no allergy issues at all :D
The old location was at a intersection that was always very loud and aggressive, drag racing at all hours. As well as being on top of the train tracks. There is no way to keep all of the over whelming smells and noise out.
I'm so happy she moved her business to this calmer, happier, lighter place :D
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Happy July 4th wishes to all
To everyone out there Have a great weekend :D
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
July workshop
we are not including the price of the manual in the fee of the workshop, it will not be mandatory to have one for the workshop, we will have handouts of the things needed.
They do go over a few different ways of doing attunements. The booklets are from the International Center for Reiki and can be purchased through their web site, after receiving a Reiki master certification. Each will be $25.00 at the workshop, copies are limited, if you'd like one please let know.
We'll be doing this workshop out of the new Pi Yoga :D it's in Mesilla, it feels so different.....lighter...really nice..... no heavy smelly traffic going by :D
The workshop will be on the 9th of July, at 1:30pm until about 6pm or so at the new Pi Yoga
2521 Avenida De Mesilla in Old Mesilla 575-526-0977
Sunday, June 5, 2011
It looked as if something tried to make it their lunch.....
Reiki kicked in when I picked it up......he just pretty much snuggled down into the work gloves I had on..........after a bit we were able to move him gloves and all to a safe spot.......after some more Reiki.....we set it up so he could get out, but he was still safe.....we sent Reiki for a few hours more........when we went out to see how he was..... he had flown away :D Reiki is so cool
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
next masters workshop
This will be a one day workshop, about 4 filler .....end of June to mid July time frame
email to confirm seat or any questions at
Monday, May 9, 2011
Spring break
so many attunements and treatments can be a bit draining even though Reiki doesn't take from your personal energies....just the running around can wear one down
we will be up and running again full speed shortly, in the mean time we will still be doing distant and in home treatments as needed :D
for now out to the garden :D
Thursday, May 5, 2011
slow side
Thursday, March 3, 2011
no worries
Everything about this workshop was changed and switched around so many times it was down right laughable.
We knew we needed to do this one either was meant to be....
The workbooks order getting messed up and no one emailing us about it until the day before the workshop ( they had been on order for weeks at that point ), could have messed things up, as it happened we had enough copies for the people we felt needed to be there :D ....the books just showed up today, so we're ready for next time ;)
We got sick, it was a guessing game as to if we were going to be able to even do it all ......... sure come get Reiki from us and as an added bonus a lovely head cold to go with it ;)
It did work out nicely in the end, great way to celebrate our Reiki anniversary :D
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Calling off the master workshop
The way the events are playing out leading up to this workshop, it is clear we need to set another date.
We are also dealing with a bit of a head cold, while Reiki is helping us get through this much easier and faster than we would have I don't think anyone wants us to do any power breaths on them lol
I'll be posting as soon as we set up a new date.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Last workshop out of Pi
We will be doing events around town as well as out of town :) nothing is set yet I'll post when it is :)
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Week off
We had a Reiki share at Pi Yoga as well a double attunement when we started up again. With Brent's new hours we were walking around on just a few hours sleep again, but you know the minute we start doing Reiki the time flys, I have no clue how many people we treated at the share, by the time we left we were walking off the ground lol
We were lucky enough to have a nice get together on Sunday. We have met the nicest people while doing Reiki.
We are having phone issues again, so if you called and didn't get a call back yet please try again Thank you for your understanding.
Friday, January 14, 2011
While writing this post I got a call from a friend, yes changing plans even more for this weekend lol :D....
The end of next month marks one full year of Reiki for the guys and me:D I can't come close to saying just how crazy and cool this has all been, and we're just getting started.
We are now doing more Reiki out of our place. At first we were worried about being on the outside of town, it's a bit of a drive if your used to living in a compact little town like Las Cruces, worries about having pets ( allergies plus it would seem Buffy our medium sized dog, knows when we have people coming over and takes that time to spread her food all over the house lol ) I don't care for housework at the best of times...... on cue...... yeah right lol but it's working out :D
We are able to charge the prices we want, to take as long as our client needs, to sit and offer a cup of tea and relax a bit, to give them what they need on a individual basic, without worry.
Getting an Reiki attunement is such a wonderful experience. I want everyone who comes through our door to leave feeling confident in their Reiki energies, but I also want them to feel good about the over all experience.
Don't get me wrong, we will still be doing a few classes out of town ( at Pi Yoga ), Ellen has worked hard to make it a fun place. All the work she puts into her customers and energy workers is over the top. It's not that we don't like the setting or the workshops, they are great, we've had a blast with each class. We are learning with each one, and the people we've met :D We just want to add to that.
"The Plan" ;) was to try and make it easier for people who couldn't get to a day time weekend workshop, or just wanted a non-workshop feel to their attunement, to personalise the attunement to them, make it something truly special for each person.
Now that Brent works later hours, our hours have shifted as well. We are going to be working more evening hours. It is our strongest time of "day"...... we are night people by nature and probably the time when people need to de-stress the most......
Another part of "The Plan" was to take Reiki on the road :) Not globe trotting or anything like that ( well... hmmmm...... you never know ;) ) more like to the small towns that otherwise may not have the chance to get Reiki........but like I said the plans haven't been going according to plan........